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Hello Everyone,
Here is a quick update with what has been going on with Lambda Beta Zeta over the course of the past month:
UDance participation was exceedingly successful, with the University of Delaware reaching a total of $1,563,035.96 raised for our heroes. I am proud to announce that our chapter contributed $22,283 to the fight against childhood cancer. Your generosity grants families a reprieve from their financial burdens, allowing those who receive assistance to fully focus on the health of their child. Thank you to all of you that contributed to UDance!!
I am also happy to introduce you all to our newest members. Their zetas are listed below:
Matt Nonnenmacher LB 1156
Harrison Macrae LB 1157
Ryan Drennen LB 1158
Anthony Shields LB 1159
Jakob Berkowitz LB 1160
Michael Barnes LB 1161
Brendan Fahey LB 1162
Upon receipt of our composite for the 2020-2021 school year, you all will get the opportunity to see if they live up to your standards!
Furthermore, I hope to personally introduce these gentlemen at our Alumni Events this Fall. It appears we will be able to proceed as usual for the Fall 2021 semester, meaning a return to normalcy for the most part. We are working hard on homecoming plans and will have an update soon. Please be on the lookout for updates via email and the Facebook page.
I will be following up again once we receive more information. Thank you again for your patience, advice and constant dedication to the chapter. If anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out: dsz@udel.edu
Stay safe and stay healthy.
Daniel Zelkin, LB 1114
High Rho
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